How To Start A New Row Crochet

Crocheting is a delightful skill that opens up endless possibilities for creativity. Whether you’re crafting blankets, scarves, or something entirely different, the core techniques are surprisingly similar. A crucial element in almost all crochet projects is knowing how to start a new row. In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at how to turn your work, crochet the second and third rows, and start new rows in both blankets and single crochet stitches.

How to Start Crochet

  1. Choose Your Yarn and Hook: The first step in starting any crochet project is to choose your yarn and hook. The size of the hook will depend on the yarn weight, so make sure to check the yarn label for recommendations.
  2. Make a Slipknot: Create a slipknot by making a loop with the yarn and pulling a new loop through it.
  3. Chain Stitches: Use the hook to pull yarn through the loop, creating a chain of stitches. This will form the foundation of your project.

List of Materials Needed

  • Yarn
  • Crochet Hook
  • Scissors
  • Stitch Markers (optional)

How to Turn in Crochet

Turning your work in crochet refers to the action you take when you’ve reached the end of a row and need to start a new one. Here’s how:

  1. Complete the Last Stitch: Finish the last stitch of your row as you normally would.
  2. Turn the Work: Simply turn your crochet piece so that you’re ready to start the next row.
  3. Chain Up: Create a few chain stitches to elevate the yarn to the height of the new row. The number of chain stitches will depend on the stitch you’re using for your row.

Common Turning Chains for Different Stitches

StitchNumber of Turning Chains
Single Crochet1 Chain
Double Crochet3 Chains
Half Double Crochet2 Chains
Treble Crochet4 Chains

How to Crochet Second Row with Pictures

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How To Start A New Row Crochet 6

Starting the second row is a crucial step, especially for beginners.

  1. Chain Up: After turning your work, create the turning chain appropriate for your stitch.
  2. First Stitch: Insert the hook into the first stitch and complete your chosen stitch.
  3. Continue: Keep stitching until you reach the end of the row.
Crocheting the Second Row

How to Start a New Row Crochet Step by Step

Here, we’ll break down the process into simple, easy-to-follow steps:

  1. Complete the Last Stitch: Finish the last stitch of your current row.
  2. Turn Your Work: Rotate your crochet piece to start the new row.
  3. Create Turning Chain: Make the necessary chain stitches for the stitch you’re using.
  4. First Stitch: Insert the hook into the first stitch and create your chosen stitch.
  5. Continue Crocheting: Keep crocheting till the end of the row.

Quick Tips for Starting a New Row

  • Use stitch markers to mark the beginning of rows
  • Count your stitches to ensure you haven’t missed any
  • Tension is key; make sure you’re not pulling too tight or leaving it too loose

How to Start a New Row Crochet Blanket

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How To Start A New Row Crochet 7

Starting a new row in a crochet blanket often involves a different set of stitches to create a unique pattern or texture.

  1. Pattern Check: Review the pattern to see if there are any special stitches involved.
  2. Turn and Chain: As before, turn your work and create the turning chain.
  3. Start Stitching: Follow the pattern’s guidelines to start the new row.

How to Start a New Row Single Crochet

For a single crochet, starting a new row is similar to other stitches, but you will only need one chain stitch for height.

  1. One Chain Stitch: After turning, chain one stitch.
  2. First Single Crochet: Insert the hook into the first stitch and perform a single crochet.
  3. Continue: Complete the row with single crochet stitches.

Here’s a useful tutorial for single crochet rows.

How to Crochet the Second Row of a Blanket

When working on a blanket, the second row often serves as the foundation for the patterns and textures that will follow.

  1. Check Pattern: Before starting, make sure you know what stitches you’ll be using.
  2. Chain and Turn: Chain the appropriate number of stitches for your chosen stitch and turn your work.
  3. Start Stitching: Begin the second row according to your pattern.

How to Crochet Third Row with Pictures

For many patterns, the third row is where textures and designs begin to emerge.

  1. Chain Up: Create the turning chain.
  2. Start Stitching: Insert your hook into the first stitch and begin.
  3. Pattern Alignment: If your design requires it, make sure your stitches align correctly with the previous rows.
Crocheting the Third Row

Knowing how to start a new row is fundamental to successful crocheting. With these steps and tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a crochet pro. Happy stitching!

Howdy! I'm Thomas Kyle, a true-blue Texan and passionate blogger. My writings weave tales of Texas, from its bustling cities to its vast landscapes. Off the blog, you'll catch me enjoying a local BBQ or playing country tunes on my guitar. Dive in and experience the southern charm with me!

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